
顧問 ベリーベスト法律事務所

サークル名: インターナショナルダンス&コミュニティ東京
サークル開催場所: 赤坂スタジオ
電話番号: 08055125353
ホームページアドレス: https://idc-tokyo.com/
最寄り駅: 赤坂
開催日時: 月曜日19時 金曜日20時 土曜日12時
サークル名: インターナショナルダンス&コミュニティ東京
サークル名: インターナショナルダンス&コミュニティ東京
サークル開催場所: 赤坂スタジオ
電話番号: 08055125353
ホームページアドレス: https://idc-tokyo.com/
最寄り駅: 赤坂
開催日時: 月曜日19時 金曜日20時 土曜日12時
費用: 2500~3000
サークルからのコメント: 日本唯一の本物国際派 英語も習える若大人向けのプレミアムペアダンスコミュニティ
◇若大人向けペアダンスの国際的なダンスコミュニティ: サークルレッスンは、主に若大人(25歳以上44歳以下対象)です。ゆくゆくは年代別のレッスン&コミュニティができます
◇おしゃれな赤坂のエリア: アクセスも抜群!レッスン後のおしゃれな遊び場所も確保できます。
◇充実したカリキュラム: レッスンはレベルごとに分かれ、経験豊富な資格もちのプロ講師が教えるから安心
◇イベントが豊富: 楽しいミングルイベントがあり、習ったダンスを生かしながら交流できます
◇英語が習える: ユニークな、ダンスでも使える英語レッスンもうけられます。これで海外旅行も出張もクルージングも怖くない!
<料金> 2017年割引料金適用
体験レッスン: 1,000
メンバー 登録料: 9,000 >> 4,500
Bronze Member (1 lesson): 3,000 >> 2,500
Silver Member (4 lesson in 1 か月): 12,000 >> 9,000
Gold Member (14 lessons in 2か月): 42,000 >> 28.000
Platinum Member ( 9 lessons in 1か月): 27,000 >> 13.800
IDC. Tokyo 担当:村田
International-Dance & Community. Tokyo for young-mid aged societies (mainly 25-44) will finally be opening in
January! We will be opening other generation communities later on.
If you are bored or looking for something fun or meeting new people to have enjoyable moments in Tokyo, contact us to
register as a member. It's free as a special campaign only now!
You have never danced before? Don't worry, everyone is the same as you. Teachers are professional, and they will teach
you what to do. Don't worry, you are probably a great dancer already.
Book NOW and Come to meet new friends and dance!
<Who may love this group?>
Those who:
◆love to meet people at the young-mid aged generation to share great moments in Tokyo
◆love dancing, are interested in partner dancing such as Ballroom and Latin.
◆want to network with people from different countries
◆want to learn dance manners and Japanese that can be used for dancing
<9 points why you should join us>
◇Absolute beginners are welcome! Of course, experienced dancers are welcome too.
◇International dance community for young-mid aged (25-44) : we will set different generations later on
◇International group: expats are most welcome!
◇Fancy Akasaka area : Great access and a loot of bars restaurants and cafes to go
◇Well constructed lessons taught by professional teachers:there will be several different classes depending on
◇Various kinds of dancing: 14 kinds of International Ballroom Standard/ Latin American, and sometimes Salsa and Argentina
◇Gorgeous events : There will be regular dance event and seasonable event as well as member's special events. You can
show your improvement!
◇Japanese lesson: You can learn Japanese which can be used for dancing.
◇Intensive professional lessons are optional: for those who wish to learn more, there will be private lessons
This is only one and best international dance community in Japan. You can't find this anywhere.
Welcome to a premium international dance community!
<Fees> Discounted in the year of 2017!
Trial: 1,000
Registration: 9,000 >> 4,500
Bronze Member (1 lesson): 3,000 >> 2,500
Silver Member (4 lesson in 1month): 12,000 >> 9,000
Gold Member (14 lessons in 2months): 42,000 >> 28.000
Platinum Member ( 9 lessons in 1month): 27,000 >> 13.800
<What to bring>
Shoes for inside or dance shoes.
Heels are okay but not spike heels. The studio does not allow outside shoes.
<How to book>
For trial, please send us a message.
IDC. Tokyo Mari
Shall we dance?